TNT Superkid Transformation Challenge

Super Kid Transformation Challenge


Here’s a fun challenge that will ROCK your kid’s world!

A lot of parents these days are stressed out to the max – with work, household chores, keeping everyone’s schedules in order, being there on time, etc. – and there’s just not enough time at the end of the day to give their child the kind of quality time and attention they need.

It makes it even WORSE when your child is stressed, depressed, anxious, withdrawn, or not doing well in school….Believe me, I totally understand.

That’s why we’ve got this 6 Week Super Kid Transformation Challenge happening…

And, let me tell you, it’s going to be So. Much. Fun.!!!

Your child will learn all this and more…

  • How to overcome their fears
  • Build confidence
  • Be positive thinkers
  • Conquer stress, worry, anxiety & depression
  • Develop good habits so they’ll be successful

The Special Online and IRL Interactive Training that you and your child will get with this Awesome Transformation Challenge will enhance your lives in AMAZING ways!

Are you ready to be part of something New, Really Fun and Life-changing?!

Our Special Online Training for kids & parents will ABSOLUTELY make an impact in your lives!

Your Instructor

Mark Gajdostik
Mark Gajdostik

My name is Mark Gajdostik and I own TNT Martial Arts. My lifelong journey in martial arts began with karate in 1983. Ten years later I watched my first ultimate fighting event when I was working on making my curriculum more self defense oriented and that's when I knew that even though I had already earned Black Belts in separate styles of Taekwondo, that I would begin to study the art of Jujitsu and incorporate it into my curriculum.

And that's what I did!...

In 1994 I began training in Jujitsu. I also began developing and teaching Police Control Tactics & Combatives, and over the 10 years while I was a police officer, I applied ALL of my skills from verbal to physical in real life, so I guess you can say that I was doing "Mixed Martial Arts” even before it was a household word!

Since 2006 TNT has been training men, women, teenagers and children in family-friendly Mixed Martial Arts...not just for competition, but for real life. Our focus is building Black Belts from the inside-out with our self-defense focused curriculum, character education programs, and a focus on personal core know, the kind of things NOT encouraged in society nowadays.

TNT is also home to the Protectors Community and Protectors Course that covers empty hand combatives, knife defense/offense, firearms application, concealed handgun licensing, and tactical training for the average everyday person wanting to protect their family better.

So with the help of my amazing sons who are my assistant instructors, we run a truly awesome school, and have some serious fun! We are convinced that you'll find our Martial Arts Programs very beneficial because we provide the mental, physical, and emotional skills that NO OTHER sport or program can offer…and we want to share that with YOU!

Get started now!